School's Out - For The Pandemic | Senator Lynn Ruane, Prof. John O Halloran + Billy Mag Fhloinn

How should a year of disrupted learning change how we think about education?

The Covid-19 pandemic led to months of school and university closures that forced young people, and their parents and teachers, to adapt to different ways of learning. Despite enormous effort, patience, and creativity, cracks have shown.

More than a century on from Pádraig Pearse's famous call for a more progressive and holistic approach to education, rigid exams and entrenched inequalities still too often persist.

Ireland’s Edge host Chris Kissane discusses radical change with leading voices in education featuring the Acting President of University College Cork, John O’Halloran, Dublin University Senator, Lynne Ruane, and folklore lecturer Billy Mag Fhloinn.

You can also listen to this fascinating discussion in podcast form on the brand new Ireland's Edge - The Podcast series:

Ireland's Edge -Available Light/Solas was made possible thanks to our leading partner Intel Ireland, and supported by Jones Engineering Group, the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, The Department of Foreign Affairs, The Irish Times and Kerry County Council

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Video Date
May 7, 2021
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