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Marian Gwyn

Dr Marian Gwyn is a heritage consultant and author who specialises in the history of Wales and the slave trade, working across academic and public sectors. She advises heritage organisations about how to educate and communicate links between their assets and artefacts and slavery. She has sat on Welsh Government working groups auditing statues and memorials to slavery and empire and embedding Black history in the new Welsh curriculum.She is head of heritage for Race Council Cymruand is currently writing a book on the sugar plantations of the Pennants of north Wales.

Mae Dr Marian Gwyn yn ymgynghorydd treftadaeth acynawdur sy'n arbenigo ar hanes Cymru a'rfasnach gaethweision, gan weithio ar draws y sectorau academaidd a chyhoeddus. Mae hi'n cynghorisefydliadau treftadaeth ar sut i addysgu a chyfathrebu’rcysylltiadau rhwng eu hasedau acarteffactau a chaethwasiaeth. Mae hi wedi eistedd ar weithgorau Llywodraeth Cymrusy’n archwiliocerfluniau a chofebion i gaethwasiaeth ac ymerodraeth,ac yn ymgorffori hanesPoblDuonyn ycwricwlwm Cymreig newydd. Hi yw pennaeth treftadaeth Race Council Cymru ac ar hyn o brydmae’n ysgrifennu llyfr ar blanhigfeydd siwgry teulu Pennantoogledd Cymru.

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