IE AlumnI

Brian MacCraith

Prof. Brian MacCraith was President of Dublin City University (DCU) from July 2010 to July 2020, during which time DCU grew significantly in terms of scale, footprint, and reputation. During that period, DCU was Ireland’s fastest growing university and added 3 new campuses (DCU St. Patrick’s Campus, DCU All Hallows Campus, and DCU Alpha, the University’s Innovation Campus) to its original base in Glasnevin. Brian MacCraith is a member of the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Physics, an Honorary Fellow of Engineers Ireland, and a Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineers. In September 2020, Brian was appointed as chair of the Board of the Gaelic Players Association (GPA). In November 2020, he was appointed by the Government to chair the High-Level Task Force on COVID-19 Vaccination. He was also chair of the Government-appointed Future of Media Commission. Brian is a member of the Boards of Barretstown Children’s Charity and Social Entrepreneurs Ireland.

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